Is Jason Gervais Still the Smartest Guy in Canada? Google Thinks So!
Is Jason Gervais Still the Smartest Guy in Canada? Google Thinks So!
A year and a half later and the question still remains – is Jason Gervais the smartest guy in Canada? It is surprising to some (but not to Jason) that he still is, at least according to Google!
More Businesses Investing in Great Web Page Design
More Businesses Investing in Great Web Page Design
Is your business investing enough in your website? Today small businesses are investing larger amounts of their advertising budgets into great web page design.
Website Success Story Dependent on Reinvesting Yellow Pages Dollars into Your Website
Website Success Story Dependent on Reinvesting Yellow Pages Dollars into Your Website
Over the past month we have been discussing a number of website success stories through our various blog series. Does your business want to experience the same success as the small businesses we have been discussing?
What is Traditional Advertising and Why is it On The Decline? Part 4 of 5
We’ve taken a look at two companies in different industries and what they have done to transition from traditional marketing to internet marketing methods. In Case Study #1 we looked at the garden supplies and landscaping company Van Beek’s and yesterday we looked at the flooring industry in Case Study #2, which focused on Sears Flooring. Today, let’s look at the results that Van Beek’s experienced through their internet marketing campaign.
What is Traditional Advertising And Why Is It On The Decline?
Are You Frustrated That Your Traditional Advertising Campaign Is No Longer Producing Results? Part 1 of 5
Traditional advertising methods like Yellow Pages Canada are no longer as effective as they once were. An increase in internet use and activity over the years is making traditional advertising obsolete. If you are a business owner with a small to medium sized business this change likely causes you to feel frustration and annoyance as you struggle to make a return on investment for your advertising dollars.
What to Consider When Creating an Internet Marketing Campaign Budget
What to Consider When Creating an Internet Marketing Campaign Budget
Internet marketing in Canada is currently at a high. According to a survey of marketers by Cossette total ad spending in Canada will reach $11.55 billion in 2010 and rise to $13.50 billion through 2014.
How To Get Your Sites To The Top Of Search Engines
Location, Location, Location... in the traditional business sense it's one of the most crucial factors to success. Getting the right location means you can meet your customers where and when they need you. But businesses today have dramatically changed because of the internet. However, despite the boom of online business success is still about location, […]
Social Media Creates New Challenges and Opportunities for Brand Marketing
Social Media Creates New Challenges and Opportunities for Brand Marketing
As social media changes how consumers communicate, brand marketers are struggling to keep up with the new opportunities and challenges that are created as a result. With social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter making it easier for consumers to share opinions regarding brands, products and services, brand marketers are finding it more difficult to control their brand message than they did in the days where buzz was created by word of mouth.